
Web3 Alligned Email & Chat Super App

On a mission to create community collaboration-driven decentralized communication in the form of “on-chain” email & messaging.

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Four Token Icon
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4P Super App; Dashboard
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0 +

years of development

Supported by:

4P Super App; dMail inbox

We build the Email & Chat Super App

  • Decentralized & modular
  • Immutable “on-chain” communication
  • Self-custodial AES-256 E2E encryption 
  • Self-custodial decentralized storage
  • Robust & resistant to Web2 data mining, data ownership loss & phishing
  • Next-gen Web3 UI/UX with one click connect & network switching
  • Open-source

"on-chain" Communication; 1 email/message = 1 L1/L2 TX

Moving communication “on-chain” ensures the immutability and traceability of emails and messages, introducing a level of trust and security unprecedented in legacy digital communication.

Natively resistant to Web2 data mining, data ownership loss, censorship, spam, phishing and ID theft.

Integrated Encryptor Extension enables military-grade secure emailing & messaging. With top-tier security in your hands, every message enjoys the ultimate protection. 

Communication is executed on public blockchains accessible and decryptable only by user’s private keys. In the case of the 4P downtime, anyone can spin up and run an open-source 4P client and access their communication data.

By utilising self-custodial decentralized storage NFTs, 4P enables users to retain data ownership, ensuring they retain full control over their email & messaging data.

4P application is developed openly. Open-source code is available for anyone to review.

Multi-chain asset, a technical component & incentive vehicle


With over 10k wallet holders, Four Tokens expanded through the Ethereum, Polygon, BNB & Solana ecosystems.

Right-to-Access (RTA)

By holding Four Tokens, users enable access to 4P App Pro features, 4P Governance, and gated Discord community channels.

DEX Availability

Four Tokens are available on all the major DEXs like Uniswap, SushiSwap, Balancer, ApeSwap, PancakeSwap...

Test drive the dApp

Available on the following TestNets; 

Step 01

Setup, Connect & Fund Your Wallet

Fund your wallet with gas (ETH, Matic, Immu, Matic, Metis, aZETA, MNT, FTM, XDAI, AA…). 

Step 02

Setup Encryptor & Mint a PX sNFT

Install the Encryptor Extension to enable self-custodial communication encryption and mint your storage NFT.

Step 03

Communicate "on-chain"

Send your first “on-chain” email. Follow the user guides available within the documentation pages.

If you are not paying for the product...

4P Basic


All you need to begin your secure, self-custodial digital communication journey.

Active TestNets


Basic Features

Active Incentive Programs

*Both the L1/L2 Gas and 4P fees converge and manifest as one end-user transaction fee. L1/L2 Gas varies and is set by the chosen underlying network. Disclaimers apply here

4P Pro


Fully customizable with unique Web3-specific features and accesable by sufficient $FOUR wallet balance.

MainNet / TBA

Wallet Balance

Basic + Pro Features

*Disclaimers apply here



Be in control of your data woth PollinationX. Mint the storage NFTs according to your specific needs.

Active TestNets



Active Incentive Programs

*Disclaimers apply here

Be part of 4P's vibrant community

Join our collective effort, submit issues, pull requests, or offer general feedback on GitHub. Jump in the conversation on Crypto X (ex-Twitter) or access the gated community on Discord (coming soon) as we shape the future of “on-chain” communication.

Copyright © 2024 dSYS Limited All rights reserved.